ZP Better Together User Notice

CSDVRS, LLC, d/b/a ZVRS and Purple Communications, Inc. (Divisions of ZP Better Together, LLC. hereinafter referred as “ZP”)

Registering for a ZVRS or Purple Local Ten-Digit Number

ZVRS or Purple provides functionally equivalent local ten-digit numbers. Call a ZVRS or Purple Customer Experience Team (CET) at +1-877-885-3172 to register for your own ZVRS or Purple ten-digit number. As part of the registration process, Purple will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and last four digits of your Social Security number. These are FCC registration requirements for VRS. The FCC has released a series of videos to explain these requirements, found at https://www.fcc.gov/general/trs-user-registration-database-faqs-asl-video.

ZVRS or Purple as Default Provider

By registering for a ZVRS or Purple local ten-digit number, you are selecting ZVRS or Purple as the default provider for the number. That means ZVRS or Purple will obtain from you the physical location from which you will use your ZVRS or Purple number, provide you with an easy way to update your registered location information if it changes, and route emergency 911 (E911) calls placed by you via ZVRS or Purple.

You also have the following rights: (a) you may choose to register for a local ten-digit number from any provider you choose, (b) you may change default providers at any time, and in doing so, keep your local ten-digit number by transferring it to the new default provider, (c) you may place and receive calls through any provider you choose and, (d) no provider can condition the ongoing use or possession of equipment, or receipt of different or updated equipment, on you continuing to place VRS calls through and use that provider as default provider. You may also continue to use current video equipment after your change default providers, but you may lose certain features if you do. For more information, please call ZVRS or Purple CET at +1-877-885-3172.


Toll-Free Numbers for VRS

If you would like a toll-free number, you will need to contact a toll-free services provider. You can find a list of providers at www.sms800.com. These toll-free service providers will charge a fee for their service. Per FCC rules, VRS providers can’t issue toll-free numbers to customers. If you would like to link your toll-free number to your ZVRS or Purple local ten-digit number, please contact ZVRS or Purple.


E911 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is E911?

A: E911 is a service the FCC requires that all relay providers offer. By offering E911, relay providers make it easier for you to dial 911 using video relay services to receive emergency assistance. You can read more about E911 here.

Q: Can I dial 911 using my video relay service?

A: Yes, but we recommend you call 911 using your TTY (if available) or landline for emergency calls to avoid possible life-threatening delays. If you need to contact 911 using relay, your relay provider will route your emergency call over the wireline E911 network to the nearest Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) based on your registered address.

When using relay for your emergency calls, be sure to give your name, location and any important information clearly so the operator can quickly contact your local emergency response center.

Warning concerning the use of VRS for 911 calls: TTY calls are still the best means for emergency personnel to quickly identify a person’s location. In an emergency, dial 911 using a landline telephone or a TTY to ensure immediate attention and identification of your location. At present, VRS cannot guarantee an immediate answer to your call nor transmit your location information directly to emergency responders.

Q: How do I call 911 using video relay?

A: Simply dial 911 from the relay device you’re using (i.e., P3 app or Z5).  The emergency call center operators will still verify your location even if you have a registered location on file.  Be sure to clearly describe your emergency and any other identifying information at the beginning of the call.

Q: Why must I provide you with a physical location address for E911 service?

A: To make sure emergency personnel (police, fire, ambulance) know where to go if you have an emergency.

Q: Is a P.O. Box an acceptable address for E911 service?

A: No. The address you provide is the physical address where you want emergency personnel to go in an emergency. Emergency services cannot be dispatched to a post office box address. Here are examples of acceptable and unacceptable address formats:

Acceptable Address:

123 West 1st Street
Apt. #123
Anytown, Anystate 99999

Unacceptable Address:

P.O. Box 1234
Anytown, Anystate 99999

Q: Must I notify my relay provider if I move or change my current address?

A: Yes, you must remember to update your E911 address information. You should do this so that if you are in need of help, emergency services personnel are dispatched to the correct address. It is your responsibility to ensure that this information is up to date.

You can update your E911 address information by signing into your account on https://my.zvrs.com/ or https://account.purplevrs.com/ or calling ZVRS or Purple CET at +1-877-885-3172. ZVRS or Purple will confirm receipt of your registered location information.

Q: What would happen if I was disconnected from the operator during a 911 call?

A: The operator would immediately attempt to call you back using your 10-digit phone number.

Q: What information should I provide when I call 911?

A: Be sure to tell the VI the following information:

  • Your current street address (where are you?)
  • Your name
  • Your emergency
  • Any additional information that will help emergency personnel

Q: How do I dial 911 through ZVRS or Purple?

A: Most videophones, software applications and other devices that you can make and receive VRS calls from should allow you to dial the numbers “911” to reach emergency help.

About Local Number Portability

Q: What is Local Number Portability?

A: When you receive your local 10-digit phone number, it becomes yours to keep and use regardless of your relay provider. If you decide you want this number to be handled through a different relay provider after originally signing-up for your number, you can transfer your number to the VRS provider of your choice. The ability to do this is called “Local Number Portability” or “LNP” or “PORTING.”

Q: Can I transfer my home phone number or my wireless number to my relay provider and use that as my local 10-digit number?

A: Yes. The FCC requires that any 10-digit number is allowed to be transferred. For questions about transferring your 10-digit phone number, please call ZVRS or Purple CET at +1-877-885-3172

Q: How do I port my number to ZVRS or Purple?

A: You will need to contact ZVRS or Purple CET at +1-877-885-3172 and request that your number be number transferred. Transferring your number will require that you complete the Letter of Authorization (LOA) paperwork. The LOA paperwork will give ZVRS or Purple permission to transfer your number away from your current relay provider.

Q: Do I need to sign any papers in order to transfer my local 10-digit number?

A: Yes, you will be asked to authorize the transfer by submitting a Letter of Authorization (LOA) to your new provider.

The LOA is required by the FCC and informs ZVRS or Purple that you have proactively decided to transfer your phone number.

Q: How long does it take to transfer my number?

A: Typically, a transfer is completed within five business days; however, if the Letter of Authorization (LOA) paperwork is filled out incorrectly, the request to transfer will be denied by your current relay provider and you will have to complete the LOA paperwork again.

Q: Can I transfer my local 10-digit number from one relay provider to another relay provider?

A: Yes. You can always transfer your local 10-digit number to the relay provider of your choice.

Q: How do I stop telemarketers from calling my local 10-digit number?

A: If you wish to stop solicitation or telemarketing calls, you can register your 10-digit number on the National Do Not Call Registry. Go to http://donotcall.gov to register your number.

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